Research Recurring Grant (RRG)
The existing Professional Development Allowance (PDA) will be renamed as Recurring Research Grant (RRG) and the following rules will govern the utilization of RRG:
Eligibility: All faculty members of SAU during the initial contract period of 5 years and after regularization of services, except temporary visiting/guest/adjunct and honorary faculty members, will be entitled for the RRG.
Purpose: The Recurring Research Grant is made available to faculty members to aid their on-going research activities.
Quantum of RG: All regular faculty members of the South Asian University shall be eligible for an RRG of US$ 2000 per calendar year.
Utilization of RRG:
The RRG can be utilized in block of three years for the following purposes:
- Professional travel for attending national/international travel for conferences/workshops etc. Ten percent of the RRG in a given block of three years will be earmarked for travel to SAARC countries other than India.
- Purchase of books, professional journals, software, research reagents and laboratory consumables, and other associated wherewithal;
- Payment of publication charges to reputed journals, to be finalized by each Faculty and to be certified by the respective Dean with a ceiling of 20% i.e. up to US$ 1200 for a block of three years. Payment exceeding this amount may be met through the research grant of the faculty member or if no research grants are available, the amount could be borne by the University out of its own funds, all such requests for University funding for page charges recommended by the Dean, will be considered on the recommendation of 3-member Standing Committee of experts to be constituted by the President, SAU. The Standing Committee would ensure that the page charges are for publications in standard well known journals and not for publishing in numerous on-line commercial ventures that have flooded the Web.
- Field work related to research;
- Payment of membership fees of professional bodies;
- Buying stationary and minor equipment for professional need including a computer/laptop/tablet/electronic book readers/printer scanners, for up to a limit of US$ 1200, provided no additional computers will be permitted from RRG funds if the faculty member has already been provided a desk top and a laptop/tablet through RRG funds within last 5 years. AMC charges and cost of consumable i.e. printer cartridges etc. to run these devices procured through RRG will be chargeable to RRG funds only. Mobiles and other communication devices may not be procured from RRG.
- Cost of travel and accommodation of faculty members/scientists/experts from other universities/institutions/organizations for collaboration in research.
Modalities for RRG
- If the faculty member is not at SAU for the whole calendar year, RRG will be available on pro-rata basis.
- RRG can be utilized in a block of 3 calendar years and the sum that remain unutilized in a given block of 3 years, will lapse with a grace period of 6 months.
- If the RRG funds are fully utilized for a given block of 3 years, then funds from the next block of RRG may be used with permission of the President provided the start of the next block of RRG is due within 6 months of the request.
- Faculty members are authorized to make expenditure of Rs.5,000/- on their own. Expenditure above Rs.5,000/- but up to Rs.45,000/- per year after due approvals from the concerned Dean of the Faculty, and expenditure above Rs.45,000/- year only after the Dean’s recommendation and due approval of the Vice President/President or the person authorized by the SAU President.
- Faculty members can retain the books procured through RRG, at the time of leaving the University. All capital