Sponsored Research Projects Undertaken 2015-16 | ||||||||
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Title of the project | Name of funding agency |
National/ International |
Project Start Date (Month and Year) | Project End Date (Month and Year) |
Is the project Ongoing/ Completed |
Total funds received at SAU |
1 | Dr.Shweta Singh | Gender, Conflict and Security:Perspectives from South Asia | UN Women | International | 2014-15 | Completed | 1000000 | |
2 | Dr.Shweta Singh | Gender, Conflict and Security:Perspectives from South Asia | Embassy of Switzerland | International | 2014-15 | Completed | 200000 | |
3 | Prof. Pankaj Jain | Weighted Norm Inequalities on Function Spaces | CSIR | National | Oct-15 | Sep-18 | Completed | 400000 |
4 | Prof. Pranab Muhuri | Visvesvaraya Scheme | M/o Electronics and Information Technology | National | 04-01-2015 | 31/03/2023 | Completed | 5453000 |