Works as Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology. Has been Chairperson of the Department of Sociology and Associate Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences. He co-edits book series on ‘Social Movements, Dissent and Transformative Action’ (Routledge: Delhi); ‘Conversations on/for South Asia’ (Aakar Books); and ‘Sociology/Anthropology Across Borders’ (Primus: Delhi). Having interacted partially with the nature of work done in South Asia I have realised that social sciences in the region have worked within an extremely narrow framework. Located within the politics of knowedge production the social sciences need to urgently engage with what happens beyond borders in a time and age when capital seeks to homogenise. Social sciences need to discover how socio-economic, cultural and political processes work across narrowness of territorialities of nation state. My research and teaching is heavily influenced by the belief that if social science is to transcend mere reproduction of what has already been done then one needs to instill perspective into whatever work one does. Having never attended school, I have very critically looked at education under capitalism as a process of factoryisation – an extremely mechanical exercise that disciplines students, aims to make them servile to the status quo and kills their creative enterprise to ensure all this. In higher education, I believe there is an urgent need to not only connect education to the experiences of teachers and students thereby making it dynamic but also to take it out of clutches of obsessive ‘skilling’ process. My area of research includes political economy of identity politics, social movements, neoliberal impact on education and processes of knowledge production. I am Associate Editor of ‘Society and Culture in South Asia’ (Sage) and Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies (