Pankaj Jain obtained M.Phil and Ph.D. degrees in Mathematics from University of Delhi. During his teaching career of about 34 years, he has taught various courses in Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Computer Applications, both at under-graduate as well as at post-graduate level. He has more than 100 research papers to his credit, published in various international journals of repute. So far, he has produced 18 PhDs. He has obtained research grants from several government agencies such as UGC, CSIR, DST, NBHM. He is recipient of several grants such as Indo-Russian S&T Project, BOYSCAST Fellowship of DST for Post Doc work to visit Sweden for one year, visited UK three times (3 months each time) under the Exchange Programme of Royal Society. Besides, he keeps participating in various Scientific Meetings/Conferences in India and abroad. So far, he has delivered over 68 invited talks including 35 outside India. He is on the editorial board of several mathematical journals. He has been a resource person in various Refreshers Courses held from time to time for college teachers as well as for school teachers where he delivered series of lectures and/or supervised computer labs. He served Institute of Life Long Learning (ILLL) (University of Delhi, South Campus) for two years on deputation. There he developed e-learning material to cater college students as well as teachers teaching those courses. On the administrative front, Pankaj Jain has been involved in several committees at SAU such as Library Committee, Proctorial Committee, Central Admission Committee etc. While Pankaj Jain was at Deshbandhu College, he had worked in various committees like sports, canteen, time-table, discipline, admission and workload. Moreover he has been the convener of the Purchase Committee of the college and assisted the Principal in holding the semester and annual examination of about 3000 students of the college. Also he was a core member of the steering committee and convener of Transport & Accommodation committee for an International Conference organized by Deshbandhu College in 2010. While at ILLL, he not only developed e-learning material by himself but also coordinated among more than 40 college teachers involved in the venture. Moreover, at ILLL, he organized/coordinated several workshops/training programmes for college students as well as teachers.