I am currently teaching the following courses: Social
Stratification, Gender and Society in South Asia, Politics of Food and Foodways,
and Intimacies as part of the MA Curriculum. I have followed the social history
of sweetness, focusing on histories of sweetmaking and craftsmanship in
Bangladesh and West Bengal. The Manuscript tentatively titled Sweet Excess is
under completion. Recently, I have started to work on infrastructure and social
mobility with a focus on migrant journeys and as part of this I have recently
completed a research project on Journeys and Internal Migrant Workers: An
Ethnographic Study of Railway Connectivity supported by Mahanirban Calcutta
Research Group.
I am part of two collaborative research projects one
focussing on gender and food and the other on travel. I am co anchoring a
research project on Gastrofeminism (with Dr Debarati Sen, University of
Houston) and Dr Sohni Chakrabarti, University of St Andrews). Gastrofeminism is
an interdisciplinary special issue that considers food central to diverse
feminist stories of agency, contestations and transformation. It archives
challenges, resistances, pedagogies, and new embodiments of an emerging radical
Professor Rukmini Sen of School of Liberal
Studies at Ambedkar University Delhi and I started a collaborative research
platform around the thematic – Anthropology of Travel to critically examine
more socio-political-cultural connections to travel. What are the connections
between arrival to the field, knowing/immersing with people/cultures, and a
genre of travelogues describing the journey and consequent transformations? How
is arrival different from dwelling and how is destination different from
traveling? How much of travel is about being an empathetic learner? It is
keeping all the above possibilities as a background we have organized four
workshops and launched an educational
podcast series – Travel Matters.
In the past, I have co-anchored an art
research exhibit on Smells of Delhi as part of a commissioned commissioned collaborative art research
project on smells by Kiran Nadar Museum of Art. I am keen to teach and
collaborate on research themes of food, senses and infrastructure in South Asia.
Book Review