Given the current faculty strength and their interest, the Faculty of Economics is open to Ph.D. supervision in areas including heterogeneous agent models, behavioral macroeconomics, nonlinear dynamics, productivity and efficiency, and development.
Minimum Eligibility
A minimum of 17 years of education (12 years of schooling + a 3-year Bachelors degree and a 2-year Master’s degree or 4-year Bachelors degree + a 1 year Masters degree leading to an MA/M.Sc. degree in Economics or related specializations) from an institution recognized by the government of any of the SAARC countries, with a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate or an equivalent grade.
Admission Procedure
Through an Entrance Test and an Interview. The candidates will be shortlisted for the interview on the basis of their performance in the Entrance Test. Those shortlisted for the interview, will have to submit a written research proposal of not more than 1500 words clearly indicating a research problem along with the methodology they propose to employ. In this respect, candidates are advised to refer to the research interests of individual faculty members to identify the broad research expertise available in the faculty.
A minimum of 50% marks will have to be secured separately, in both the written test and the interview, in order to be eligible for admission. The final merit list will be prepared by totalling the marks obtained in both the phases.
Format of the Entrance Test Paper
For a sample paper, click here.