MSc Computer Science
M.Sc. (Computer Science) with an option for specialization in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, and Advance Networks & Systems is a two-year (four-semester) full-time Master's degree programme offered by the Department of Computer Science, comprising courses in different areas of Computer Science. The objective of this programme is to prepare skilled and capable professionals with a strong conceptual and practical background in Computer Science. The department follows a unique up-to-date curriculum with the aim of equipping students with strong analytical and technical skills as well as thorough knowledge of and expertise in the latest state-of-the art techniques in Computer Science so that they can work competently in diverse areas including teaching and research and development. Besides having a good mix of theoretical and lab-oriented computer courses, the M.Sc. (Computer Science) programme has a project component that can be done in industry or under the close supervision of faculty members.
Minimum Eligibility
12 years of schooling + a 3 or 4 year Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a relevant area* with mathematics as a subject either at the Bachelor’s level or at the 10+2 (12th class) level from an institution recognised by the government of any of the SAARC countries, with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate or an equivalent grade. Candidates who have a 2-year Bachelor's degree and have cleared the first year of the Master's programme are also eligible.
*Indicative List of Relevant Areas:
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Applications
- Information Technology
- Any other Science/Engineering areas having at least one-fifth Computer Science courses
Admission Process
The admission to M.Sc. (Computer Science) will be made through entrance test only.
Format of the Entrance Test Paper
- The duration of the Entrance Test will be 2 hours.
- The question paper will consist of 70 multiple choice questions.
- There will be no negative marking.
- Calculators will not be allowed. However, Log Tables may be used.
Syllabus for Entrance Test:
- Set Theory and Algebra: Sets, Relations, Functions, Groups, Partial Orders, Lattice, Boolean Algebra.
- Combinatorics: Permutations, Combinations, Counting, Summation, Binomial Theorem, Exponential Series.
- Matrix: Basic Concepts, Types of Matrices, Determinants, Transpose, Inverse and Rank of a Matrix, Matrix Algebra, Systems of Linear Equations.
- Calculus: Limit, Continuity and Differentiability, Mean Value Theorems, Theorems of Integral Calculus, Evaluation of Definite and Improper Integrals, Partial Derivatives, Total Derivatives, Maxima and Minima.
- Ordinary Differential Equations: First Order First Degree Equations, Variable Separable Method, Homogeneous Equations, Exact Equations, Integrating Factors, Linear Equations.
- Vector Analysis: Addition, Subtraction, Dot Product and Cross Products of Vectors.
- Programming in C: Elements of C, Identifiers, Data Types, Control Structures, Array, Structure, Union, Strings, Pointers, Functions, Parameter Passing to Functions, Recursion, File Handling.
- Data Structures & Algorithms: Elementary Concepts of List, Stack, Queue, Tree and Graph, Space and Time Complexity Analysis, Sorting Techniques: Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, etc., Searching Techniques: Linear and Binary Search.
- Database Management System: Basic Concepts, Attributes, Entity and Relationships, ER Diagram, Database Decomposition and Normalization, Database Constraints, Relational Algebra, SQL.
- Digital Logic and Computer Architecture: Number System, Data Representation, Compliments, Computer Arithmetic, Logic Gates, Combinational and Sequential Circuits, Computer Organization, Instruction Formats and Addressing Modes, Memory Organization and I/O Interfaces.
- Computer Networks: Introduction to computer networks, transmission media, transmission modes, network types: LAN, MAN, and WAN, network topologies, basic concept of MAC and IP Address, reference models: OSI & TCP/IP.
- Operating System (OS): Overview of OS, functionalities and characteristics of OS, process and process states, threads, CPU scheduling and algorithms, memory management, memory allocation strategies, virtual memory concepts, paging and segmentation.
For a sample test paper, click here.