The following student who appeared in the Viva-voce Examination for PhD has been declared successful as per the details given below:

Name of Student

Enrolment No.

Department/ Faculty

Name of Supervisor

Title of Thesis

Date of Viva-voce

Aniket Bhattacharyya


Faculty of Life Sciences and Biotechnology (FLSB)

Dr. A.K.R. Gobinath

“ Development of cost-effective bioprocess for production of Trametes cinnabarina laccase (lac1) from suspended and immobilized recombinant Pichia pastoris”

21 September 2023


Assistant Registrar (SG)                                                                                                                               

Admissions & Examinations Division

The following student who appeared in the Viva-voce Examination for PhD has been declared successful as per the details given below:

Name of Student

Enrolment No.



Name of Supervisor

Title of Thesis

Date of Viva-voce

Mirwais Parsa


Faculty of Economics 


Dr. Soumya Datta

“Essays in Institutions and Economic Development”

25 August 2023


 Assistant Registrar (SG) 

Admissions & Examinations Division

The following student who appeared in the Viva-voce Examination for PhD has been declared successful as per the
details given below:


Name of Student

Enrolment No.



Name of Supervisor

Title of Thesis

Date of Viva-voce

Divya Sharma


Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (FMCS)

Prof. R.K. Mohanty

“High Resolution Numerical Algorithms in Exponential Form for the Solutions of One and Two Space Dimensional Quasilinear Parabolic Equations ”

01 September 2023

Assistant Registrar (SG)
Admissions & Examinations Division

The following student who appeared in the Viva-voce Examination for PhD has been declared successful as per the details given below:

Name of Student

Enrolment No.



Name of Supervisor

Title of Thesis

Date of Viva-voce

Tariq Basir


Faculty of Economics 


Dr. Soumya Datta

“Essays in Political Economy of Regime Changes and Democratization”

29 August 2023



 Assistant Registrar                                                                                                                                   

 (Admissions & Examinations)

The following student who appeared in the Viva-voce Examination for PhD has been declared successful as per the details given below:

Name of Student

Enrolment No.



Name of Supervisor

Title of Thesis

Date of Viva-voce

Jessica Thacker

SAU/ECO(P)/2016/ 01

Faculty of Economics 


Dr. Debdatta Saha

“Essays on Exit of Firms and Industries”

01 August 2023



Assistant Registrar                                                                                                                                   

(Admissions & Examinations)

The following candidate who appeared in the Viva-voce Examination for PhD has been declared successful as per the details given below:

Name of Student

Enrolment No.


Name of Supervisor

Title of Thesis

Date of Viva-voce

Shitu Singh

SAU/AM(P)/2018/ 01

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (FMCS)

Dr. Jagdish Chand Bansal

“Grey Wolf Optimizer: Variants and Applications”

03 April 2023


 Assistant Registrar 

 (Admissions & Examinations)