RESULT NOTIFICATION NO. 08/2022 – F. No/SAU/31-9/2015 – 5 May 2022

The following candidate who appeared in the Viva-voce Examination for Ph.D has been declared successful as per details given below:

Name of Student Enrolment No. Department/Faculty Name of Supervisor Title of Thesis Date of Viva-Voce
Syed Murtaza Mushtaq SAU/IR(P)/2015/06 Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS) Dr. Dhananjay Tripathi “Political Islam and the Notions of State, War and Inter-State Relations: An Analysis through the Writings of Maulana Maududi, Tahir ul Qadri, Javed Ahmad Ghamidi and Murtadha Muttahari” 22nd April 2022


Deputy Registrar
